God exists in three persons of eternal being: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was born of a virgin; suffered, was crucified, died, was buried, and rose again to make full payment for our guilt, and the original sin.
The Holy Spirit empowers believers to exalt Jesus, to model Christ's example, and to be witnesses of God’s saving grace.
Salvation is wholly provided through God's grace; no human righteousness or works can contribute to receiving God’s love and favor.
The change that takes place in those that receive Jesus as Savior is a very real one; and having received of His Spirit, believers will have new desires, interests, and pursuits in life.
Baptism by immersion, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is an outward symbol of an inward heart change.
Observing the Lord’s Supper is a way to reflect upon the sacrifice that Christ made by allowing his body to be broken and blood to be shed as payment for our sins.
The Holy Spirit bestows gifts upon believers, and those gifts are meant to encourage other believers, move the church forward in reaching the hurting, and encourage worldwide evangelism.
It is God's will that believers continue to grow in their faith through love, prayer, purity, sincerity, patience, personal growth, and service.
A believers’ conduct, should model Christ to others and a relationship with Jesus should never lead people into extremes or fanaticism; the Christians' life should reflect Christ's uprightness, balance, humility, and self-sacrifice.
The evidence of a Spirit-filled life is spiritual "fruit": love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.
Tithes and offerings are ordained of God to sustain His ministry, spread the Gospel, and release personal blessing.
It is our duty to identify ourselves with a congregation of believers with whom we can worship God, observe the ordinances of Christ, encourage and support one another, labor for the salvation of others, and work together to advance the Lord’s Kingdom.
Inviting others to receive a personal relationship with Christ, is the “one big business” of the Church on earth, and that every hindrance to worldwide evangelism should be removed in pursuit of the "Great Commission."
Eternal Life with God in heaven, is secured through a personal relationship with Jesus.
The Second Coming of Christ is personal and imminent; the certainty of His coming and the fact that no man knows the hour of His coming prompts our evangelistic efforts.
The inspiration of the Holy Scriptures is composed of sixty-six books and divided into two departments, Old and New Testaments.
Please Note: For a formal Declaration of Faith, email lifepointfoothills@gmail.com.